White Lake Campground

3200 Concession Rd 3, Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, ON, K0A 3L0

This is a group message to seasonal campers at WLCG
Greetings Camper!

Happy Victoria Day Weekend – Summer is finally on it's way!!!!

This is our first "official" long weekend of 2024 and we are excited to see so many folks who have already started camping and look forward to seeing the rest of you this weekend. There is lots going on at the campground this season and we are super excited for an amazing camping season and great weather!

This weekend we will be starting the 50/50's again – if you see Ron and Nicky out and about you know what to do – buy some tickets, support the social committee and maybe win some cash!!

On Saturday morning, at 10:00am, come on down to the tent and meet your neighbours, have some coffee / tea and treats! It's the perfect time to come and see both the new and old faces of the campground! We will also go through the annual campground update, and Angela will talk about the planned events for the season.

The laundry room will be open for touring – it's finally done and as I mentioned before, many thanks to all those who have helped out – it was a MUCH bigger job than we initally expected. The machines cost $3.50 per load and it's a deal at twice the price 🙂 Access card is required to enter the facilities along with a deposit of $20.00

If you have not yet signed and returned the ammendment to the seasonal contract, it MUST be completed this weekend. please complete and sign it and email it to management@wlcg.ca

If you have not joined our facebook page please do so this is a private page to the campground only.


Bob Hall | Kim Dinel


Property Managers / Directors

White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.

Bob:613-218-9787 |Kim: 613-668-9787

E:management@wlcg.ca | W: https://www.wlcg.ca

ALL guests must be registered in advance of arival to tthe campground.

For you convienence, you can use the link below:


@2022, WLCG designed by: KBA Software Solutions
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