White Lake Campground

3200 Concession Rd 3, Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, ON, K0A 3L0

This is a group message to seasonal campers at WLCG

Greetings Camper!

As we get closer to Canada Day Long weekend we wanted to send out a note to let you know the planned events. They of course are subject to change based on the weather but we are hopeful that Mother Nature will be kind! This year, we have many events planned, please be sure to attend if you can, the social committee and others who are contriubting put in lots of effort to make everything work for you!

Canada Day Weekend Events

(Subject to change)


  • 9:00 AM: pancake breakfast $5.00 pay at event No preregistration required
  • Prize for best decorated Golf Cart
  • Golf cart parade leaving tent area at 10:30
  • 10:00 AM:  Join in singing OCANADA
  • All Day: Saturday all day Games at tent area
  • 5:00 PM: Campground BBQ hosted by Matt Jacobsen sponsored by Matt’s company Preregistration with Matt required by June 25 at 4:00 PM (MATT HAS CREATED A SEPARATE POST ON FACEBOOK OR IN PERSON THIS WEEKEND)
  • Evening (Duskish):  Campfire by the tent area with music


  • 10:30 AM: horsehoe registration play starts at 11
  • Lunchtime: Hotdog lunch and refreshments


  • 11:00 AM: boat floatilla leaving boat launch area at 11 Out and around Stewart’s Island Bring your super soaker Game on !!!!


Bob Hall | Kim Dinel


Property Managers / Directors

White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.

Bob:613-218-9787 |Kim: 613-668-9787

E:management@wlcg.ca | W: https://www.wlcg.ca

ALL guests must be registered in advance of arival to tthe campground.

For you convienence, you can use the link below:


@2022, WLCG designed by: KBA Software Solutions
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