White Lake Campground

3200 Concession Rd 3, Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, ON, K0A 3L0

This is a group message to seasonal campers at WLCG
Greetings Camper!

Spring has arrived and we all know what that means – only a month and a bit and the campground re-opens for the 2024 camping season! Normally I would say it's a relief from the long hard winter but this year the weather was anything but long, hard or snowy… We are looking forward to seeing everybody back at the lake in May and if all goes well it should be dry and ready to go on May Day.  That said, in order to ensure we comply with the seasonal campground regulations in Ontario and Mississippi Mills as well as to allow time for all open activities and required work to be completed, the campground will be off limits 100% from the Sunday of Easter Weekend at 7:00pm until May 1st. The gate will remain closed and will be locked during this period as there will be ongoing construction etc and it's for the saftey of the campers and the neighbours.

In the fall we had several site inspections by the various governing authorities and our insurance company and as a result there will be some minor adjustments and changes regarding whats allowed on sites and in the campground. If you are directly effected, we will reach out to you in the next couple of weeks.

Over the winter we have had lots of great suggestions for the this years camping season as well as several questions / concerns. One of the concerns was around the increasing amount of personal cameras on sites in the campground and the potential impact on peoples privacy. Kim and I are members of several campground management groups and each campground has it's own policy on camera's from not allowed at all, allowed off season only, allowed if pointed at the lake (where applicable) etc.. Many campgrounds have very small lots in comparison to ours. Rather than making a decision, we are taking the approach of having the campers answer a one question poll that is on our website. This poll is open from today through the end of March and we will, for this season allow principle of "majorty to rules" based on the results on which direction we will take with respect to camera's The preference is one vote per site, so please do vote. The link to the pole is here:  Camera Survey.

We are looking forward to an amazing camping season – if you have any Social Committee suggestions or ideas's, please reach out to Angela Gilles. This year we also have a calendar on the website that will have all our events listed so you have time to plan them out.

See you all Soon – Stay Well, Be Safe!


Bob Hall | Kim Dinel


Property Managers / Directors

White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.

Bob:613-218-9787 |Kim: 613-668-9787

E:management@wlcg.ca | W: https://www.wlcg.ca

During the off season when visiting the campground it is requested that you register your stay. For you convienence, you can use the link below:


@2024, WLCG designed by: KBA Software Solutions

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