This personalized email communication has been sent to all registered Campers at White Lake Campground (WLCG)

Good Morning Winter Warriors!

With the upcoming winter storm that is forecast for the region please note that the campground will have very limited access until Bob and I get up there. Should we get the freezing rain that they are calling for we will be sure to check on everybody’s investment should we notice anything out of the ordinary we will be sure to reach out to you on a one on one basis.

Also note that the road which you travel off of Bayview Lodge Rd is not cleared by the municipality. The neighbour who lives in the house between the campgrounds pays to have that road cleared therefore access to that road is also limited and with the storm may not even be cleared till the storm is finished.

At this time we ask that you please refrain from going to the campground and note that there is an additional significant accumulation expected Friday into Saturday that will. again impact access and Hydro One has issued warnings about potential power outages in the region.

We will endeavour to get things opened up quickly because we all want to play in the snow and skate on the rink and once roads are accessible we will advise you via Facebook.

Kim & Bob

Bob Hall | Kim Dinel
Property Managers
White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.
Bob: 613-218-9787 | Kim: 613-668-9787 E: | W:

When enjoying occasional winter access to the campground, it is required for insurance purposes that you register when at the campground in advance whenever possible. It is important to remember that there is no water and minimal access for 911 services when at the campground and that the gate must remain closed at all times to avoid unwanted vehicles.

Please register using this link: