This personalized email communication has been sent to all registered Campers at White Lake Campground (WLCG)

Hey There Campers,

The roads and visitor parking are now cleared unfortunately, as of the writing of this email (7:00pm), the road from Bayviewlodge Road to the campground driveway is not yet cleared, this is the responsibility of the home owner beside the campground and just to much work for my tractor – the snow is about 1 foot deep and very difficult to travel – if you do try to come down it, please remember, tow-trucks are likely not to come help you on the unimproved road.

Some of you have asked about the level of effort to clear the campground so here is a quick summary for those interested:

Also for your interest some other effort that goes into opening things for folks to do:

Stay Well and Be Safe ;

Kim & Bob

Bob Hall | Kim Dinel
Property Managers
White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.
Bob: 613-218-9787 | Kim: 613-668-9787 E: | W:

When enjoying occasional winter access to the campground, it is required for insurance purposes that you register when at the campground in advance whenever possible. It is important to remember that there is no water and minimal access for 911 services when at the campground and that the gate must remain closed at all times to avoid unwanted vehicles.

When the campground re-opens in December, you can register using this link: