This personalized email communication has been sent to all registered Campers at White Lake Campground (WLCG)

Hey There Campers,

In with a Vengeance – Well it’s safe to say winter has arrived – we have a bunch of snow on the ground!
Clean up operations will take place during the next day.
We will inspect each camper for snow load on the roof and reach out to anybody who may have risk based on the load.
If you decide to come up you will need to park on Bayview Lodge Road and walk in – so for now if you have questions or concerns, you can reach out to us by email OR text both of us – Kim or I will respond as we have time. We’d prefer you wait until the all clear however before showing up.
Thank you

Kim & Bob


Bob Hall | Kim Dinel
Property Managers
White Lake Campground / 8294364 Canada Inc.
Bob: 613-218-9787 | Kim: 613-668-9787 E: | W: